Iwein Löwenritter (version for impatient viewers)

The first part of the following video is what happens when you leave a composer at home during rehearsals of his new opera with too much time on his hands. And the second part is an attempt to condense the wild tale of love, imagination, adventure and backwards-talking men that will be premiered in a few days at the opera house Bonn into a handy narrative that doesn’t stretch anybody’s patience.
„Iwein Löwenritter“ is based on Felicitas Hoppe’s children’s book, which in turn is based on a medieval poem by Hartmann von der Aue. The libretto is by Andrea Heuser.
The opera features characters known to everybody who knows Arthurian Legends – recently we saw the adventures of Gawain in the excellent film „The Green Knight“, now we learn of the plight of his friend Iwein, also known as the „Lion’s Knight“ („Löwenritter“ in German).
The colourful and wonderful production in Bonn is directed by Aron Stiehl, with stage design by Thomas Stingl and costumes by Sven Bindseil. It features an excellent cast of singers and the opera choir and Beethovenorchester Bonn (Marco Medved), under the baton of Daniel J. Mayr. The production was first thought out by Rose Bartmer. Sheet music available from Ricordi Music.
Full cast:
Löwe (Puppenspieler) Christoph Levermann
Löwe (Sänger) Michael Krinner
Lunete Katharina von Bülow
Iwein (Leon) Anton Kuzenok
Iweins Herz Ava Gesell
Gegner / Wilder Mann Pavel Kudinov
Gawein (Gereon) Jakob Kunath
Laudine Lada Bockova
Laudines Herz Sarah-Léna Winterberg
Chor Chor des Theater Bonn
Statisterie Statisterie des Theater Bonn
Orchester Beethoven Orchester Bonn
Musikalische Leitung Daniel Johannes Mayr
Inszenierung Aron Stiehl
Bühne Thomas Stingl
Kostüme Sven Bindseil
Licht Boris Kahnert
Dramaturgie Rose Bartmer
Choreinstudierung Marco Medved
Regieassistenz und Abendspielleitung Alexandra Pape
Musikal. Assistenz und Studienleitung Pauli Jämsä
Bühnenbildassistenz Ansgar Baradoy
Kostümassistenz Dieter Hauber
Inspizienz Karsten Sandleben
Schöne Eindrücke von Musik, Stück, Text und Szene. Tolles Bühnenbild! Toitoitoi. HG, Alexander