New Year’s greetings to humanity

Oh, humanity.


Where is it going in 2024? What will happen?

It will be just like before. There will be continuous murder and mayhemin wars all over the world, for all sorts of new and supposedly very important reasons, which are always the wrong ones. We will be affected by this and rage in endless comment columns online about what should be done now and how we should react to it. Not a single one of these discussions will achieve anything or change anything for the better, but friendships will break, and insurmountable divides will become even more insurmountable.

We will be bombarded with news from all over the world and feel like we have to have an opinion on everything, even if it happens far away and has to do with topics we don’t know the first thing about. This feeling is deceptive and will make us more unhappy every day.

We will continue to feel increasingly overwhelmed as we search for a right way to live this life. And we will overwhelm others even more by forcing our own path on them, even though we don’t fully understand it ourselves.

Millions of times we will stare at our cell phone or a computer instead of someone’s face. And only very rarely will we learn anything of relevance.

We will fall for thousands of false promises of a better life that are just trying to sell us something.

We will continue to fall for bugbears who claim to want to “clean up” but who really don’t give a shit about any of us. The more bizarre and stupid these bugbears are, the more attention they will get from us, while the issues that really deserve that attention will fall by the wayside.

We will spend an incredible amount of energy wearing ourselves out in endless debates about the correct language. Some will tell us that only correct language can change the world for the better, others will insist that everything stays the same forever. Both sides are wrong.

Many people will continue to find it an imposition that other people are simply themselves and dictate to them so that they can no longer be that way. The general feeling of how one should be is just as much a taste of the times as anything else.

We will judge past generations, censor and change their works because they no longer correspond to our current sense of time, completely forgetting that future generations will judge us in the same way.

We will increasingly distrust the truth because it can be manipulated in a million ways. Yet we will allow ourselves to be lied to a million times and believe absolutely anyone we want to believe, except those who actually tell the truth. And we will increasingly forget how to follow the truth of our hearts.

We will love, argue and make up again. Or not. But we will be a little happier every time we have brought a little love into the world, because the Beatles are right: “The love you take is equal to the love you make”. Although there are countless religions that have the same motto, their believers will misunderstand it time and time again and do exactly the opposite.

How we do it, why we do it and what we do will be entirely our own responsibility, even if we constantly hope that someone will take that responsibility away from us.

2024 will be tough.

But there is some chance that we can make a difference wherever we don’t despair. And this difference could be what matters.

Let’s make the best of it.

I wish all readers of the Bad Blog a wonderful New Year!




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