Verschlagwortet: Coen Brothers

The series finale of “Tremé”. “Inside Llewyn Davies”. Thoughts about a new attitude towards music in (good) films.

The series finale of “Tremé”. “Inside Llewyn Davies”. Thoughts about a new attitude towards music in (good) films.

It seems like it was only yesterday that I recommended David Simon’s excellent follow-up series to „The Wire“, the post-Katrina-New Orleans-based show „Tremé“. Now – after a sadly shorter fourth season – the show has ended with a final episode that was every bit as good as the ending of „The Wire“ while at the same time staying true to the different focus of the series, which was less about the extremes of human crime, drug abuse and violence but more about how it is like to live in one of America’s more unusual and quirky cities.

Born after reading (Abenteuer im ZKM, Teil 4)

Born after reading (Abenteuer im ZKM, Teil 4)

Schon den dritten Tag hintereinander lernen wir den Text. Das Schema ist immer das Gleiche: morgens Proben im Vortragssaal, bei offener Tür, dabei ist stets unsicher, ob Weibel dazu kommt oder nicht. Ich soll schon mal das Jackett anziehen, das die Kostümbildnerin für mich auserkoren hat, und in dem ich aussehe wie eine Presswurst.