Kategorie: English

Kommentar zum Ende auf Raten von Pathos & Schwere Reiter in München

Bevor 2017 zu Ende geht, wurde willentlich oder unwillentlich versucht, langjährige Freie-Szene-Akteure Münchens der Theaterszene auszuschalten. Es geht um das sogenannte zukünftige Kreativquartier Ecke Leonrod-/Dachauer Str. und dort um den Entzug der Proben,- Produktions,- und Büroräume des Pathos-Theaters sowie die temporäre Verunmöglichung des Neue-Musik-Ortes „Schwere Reiter“. Dem Theater wurden quasi...

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 6: „Symphony of Red Tape“

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 6: „Symphony of Red Tape“

Just when you thought it was safe to watch TV again a new series of „Mozart in the Jungle“ arrives, our favorite show that apparently exists in a parallel dimension to our dimension, a dimension where classical music is incredibly popular, where the stars look good without photoshop and where...

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 5: „Now I will sing“

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 5: „Now I will sing“

Just when you thought it was safe to watch TV again a new series of „Mozart in the Jungle“ arrives, our favorite show that apparently exists in a parallel dimension to our dimension, a dimension where classical music is incredibly popular, where the stars look good without photoshop and where the audience screams with joy every time a conductor enters a stage.

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3 Episode 4: „Avventura Romantica“

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3 Episode 4: „Avventura Romantica“

Just when you thought it was safe to watch TV again a new series of „Mozart in the Jungle“ arrives, our favorite show that apparently exists in a parallel dimension to our dimension, a dimension where classical music is incredibly popular, where the stars look good without photoshop and where the audience screams with joy every time a conductor enters a stage.

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3 Episode 3 „My Heart Opens to Your Voice“

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3 Episode 3 „My Heart Opens to Your Voice“

Just when you thought it was safe to watch TV again a new series of „Mozart in the Jungle“ arrives, our favorite show that apparently exists in a parallel dimension to our dimension, a dimension where classical music is incredibly popular, where the stars look good without photoshop and where the audience screams with joy every time a conductor enters a stage.

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 2 „The Modern Piece“

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 2 „The Modern Piece“

„Robocop’s anus“ is a correct description for a 20-second shitty electronic piece that you were invited to „work on“ as a famous conductor. And why does Andy invite a classically trained conductor to an electronic mixing studio to „work“ on this? Why does he think a classical musician can contribute something here?

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 1 „La Fiamma“

Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“, Season 3, Episode 1 „La Fiamma“

Just when you thought it was safe to watch TV again a new series of „Mozart in the Jungle“ arrives, our favorite show that apparently exists in a parallel dimension to our dimension, a dimension where classical music is incredibly popular, where the stars look good without photoshop and where the audience screams with joy every time a conductor enters a stage.

Radio Neue Musik. Montage: Hufner

Neue Musik / Musikfeature / SoundArt: Die Radio-Woche vom 05. bis 11. Juni 2017

Neue Musik und Musikfeatures in der Kalenderwoche 23. Der MDR bleibt ein Totalausfall. Portraits und Schwerpunkte gibt es zu: Beethovens Rasumowsky-Quartette, Quatuor Diotima, Peter Lackner, Geschwistern Widmann, Hans Köth, Jennifer Walshe, Neue Musik aus Irland, Adriana Hölszky, Neue Vocalsolisten ascolta, Rolf Riehm, Saxophon, Konstantia Gourzi, Programmiersprachen, Sonar Quartett, Helmut Zapf,...

Edward II. auf der Bühne, Homophobie in der Kritik

Führt das deutsche Musikfeuilleton „rosa Listen“? Neulich las man statt einer Kritik oder eines echten Verrisses eine Statistik der sexuellen Orientierung des Premierenteams: „Der Komponist der Oper: schwul. Der Librettist: schwul. Der Regisseur: schwul. Der Dirigent: wissen wir nicht. Der Intendant: schwul. Der Chefdramaturg: auch.“ Aus dem Kontext gelöst sieht...