Kategorie: English

55 Years of Good Vibrations – and now SMiLE! (Part Two)

Und es ist doch eine wunderbare Vorstellung, dass ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit als Helmut Lachenmann in der Cello-Kadenz seines „ Notturno / Musik für Julia“ in die Welt der Geräusche vorstieß, drüben in Kalifornien im Studio zwei Cellisten auf exorbitante Weise ihre Instrumente traktierten, sodass diese aberwitzigen Basstriolen zur Sirenenmelodie im Abspann von „ Good vibrations“ entstanden!

A Conductor’s Lament (Part 5, Conclusion)

Since most of the relations between music institutes and agencies takes place behind the scenes, it is only natural that it is rife with corruption and criminal behavior. Like many other immoral environments in the music world, everybody seems to turn a blind eye to these occurrences. It is a well-known fact among musicians that some prominent agencies even engage in criminal financial dealings with institutes and clients.

A Conductor’s Lament (Part 4)

Of course, psychology plays a huge part in the conductor’s work with the orchestra. In order to get the best out of the musicians one must be able to sense their feelings, opinions and character. However, the need of conductors to appease their orchestras has given rise to such a servile attitude that one can hardly take the profession seriously anymore.