Everything that is wrong in „Mozart in the Jungle“ Episode 7

(this time with the episode dubbed in German, enjoy!)

Episode 7, „You go to my head“


1) Ok, flute girl at the sponsor party is not only faking it (her fingers basically never move, not even during trills), but she also has some serious balance problems – why is she always tilting to one side? She might fall over any moment. Probably some director told her that “flutists always move a lot”. Which actually is true.

2) The housekeeper is treating the guest-performing musicians like shit. Well, I’ve seen it happen, but never that extreme, especially when the hosts are spending lots of money on the orchestra they are members of.

3) But the hosts aren’t any better: they hire an ensemble of highly trained classical musicians and let them play in the garden with shitty acoustics and everybody chatting, eating and drinking directly next to them? The most astonishing thing is that the musicians go along with this, smiling, and that their own orchestra manager also is such a douchebag that she talks loudly as well. But if you look closely – the musicians take revenge by also clearly faking it. They probably have a CD player hidden somewhere.

4) Further proof to my theory: There is a long shot of Hailey talking with Mr. Guggenheim, then sponsors talking to Rodrigo, while Cynthia is playing cello in the background together with the ensemble. When Rodrigo enters the living room where Cynthia rings the triangle – seconds later in the continuity! – Cynthia is sitting there on a couch. That either proves that she has been cloned or that her secret identity is “The Flash”.

5) Rodrigo hasn’t practiced the violin for years but manages to play perfectly – probably slightly intoxicated – on an instrument not known to him and given to him seconds before he starts. Even better – he doesn’t even tune the violin before starting! Even Joshua Bell would have trouble pulling that stunt off. But we just have to accept that he is a genius if we remember that he actually allegedly is able to play ALL orchestra instruments himself, something that no conductor in the history of music has ever managed to do.

6) Health-obsessed sponsor guy really is a loser if he can’t associate this well-known melody with Mozart!

7) The hosts don’t seem to worry that the big white horse just leaves a big pile of horseshit in their carpet, do they?

8) Rodrigo being so obsessed with flute girl is kind of strange, as he listened to her approximately 5 seconds, and what she played wasn’t that impressive really. Let’s hope he is no secret pedophile. Calling her “my little angel” after superficially talking to her for 2 minutes is also kind of weird.

9) Everybody just leaves and they let the horse stand in the middle of the room?

10) Hailey practiced 5 hours a day when she was 8? The oboe? The pressure on her brain would have killed her already…

11) Notice how Rodrigo conveniently walks out of the picture before his football stunt, to be conveniently replaced by a stuntman?

Moritz Eggert

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Eine Antwort

  1. Ich habe die gesamte Staffel an einem Abend gesehen, anfänglich nur, um zu entspannen. Aber dann kam ich davon nicht mehr los. Die Charaktere zogen mich in ihren Bann und überhaupt die Art der Darstellung. Das schöne an der Serie ist, dass es nicht einfach um platte Intrigen geht. Es wird gezeigt, dass jeder Mensch auch seine Last trägt, ganz egal, wie gut es ihm augenscheinlich geht oder wie reich oder berühmt er ist. Alles mit einer großen Portion Augenzwinkern und natürlich etwas übertrieben. Die Charaktere können einem nur so nahe gehen, weil sie ehrlich und authentisch sind. Ehrlichkeit vor sich selber wird belohnt. Die Charaktere, die sich selber und anderen ein überhöhtes Bild darstellen werden abgestraft. Was mich auch noch faszinierte ist, dass dargestellt wird, dass das Orchester nur dann funktioniert, wenn jede Einzelleistung geachtet wird und das Orchester sich al eine Einheit sieht. Samt Dirigent. Es wird begriffen, dass die Gesamtleistung über der Einzelleistung steht. So wie es auch im wahren Leben nur wirklich funktioniert. Diese Staffel hat einfach ein sehr gutes Gefühl bei mir hinterlassen. Das war jetzt die zweite-Serie, die ich gesehen habe und beide haben mich vom Hocker gehauen durch ihre Offenheit und Kreativität und dem Mut zu Neuem und einfach auch durch ihre Menschenfreundlichkeit und die positive Darstellung aller möglichen Arten von Lebensweisen.