Language Issues

Some of you might have noted that I write roughly every second article in English. And some of these have complained that their English is not good enough to read these articles. Others have complained that there are too many German articles that interest them which they can’t read.


Fact is, the Bad Blog of Musick is increasingly reaching an international audience. This on one hand makes us very happy of course, but it also creates an obligation to write in the language that most people on the planet can converse in, and that is – like it or not – English.

I hope my German readers understand that I sometimes write articles about a more general aesthetic discussion in English so that we may also hear opinions from other countries (which I find very enlightening). And I hope my English readers understand that there will be articles with a more German focus, simply because we are reporting about local premieres or cultural politics.
To avoid sifting through articles in a different language than the one you like to read there is now a language button at the top of the page. Selecting “Deutsch” will display only articles in German, removing those pesky English articles. And selecting “English” will only display articles written in English of course (of which there is an increasing number).

So sit back with your favorite bottle of Whisky and relish the new language feature, brought to you by our friendly webmaster behind the scenes, the inimitable Martin Hufner.

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