NM in KL, Foto- und Infostrecke

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Hier die offizielle Info zum Abschluss des Wettbewerbs:

1 Dec 09
Philippine young composer Juro Kim Feliz wins KLCMF 09 Young Composers Competition 09
It was a close fight for the inaugural Goethe South East Asian award at the KL Contemporary Music Festival 09 Young Composers Competition finals held at SEGi University College on 29 Nov 09.
The eventual overall winner was Philippine composer Juro Kim Feliz with his Sa Kanyang Paglingon (In Her Glances) for flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion. Feliz was born in Floridablanca, Philippines, in 1987. He began musical studies in his early years through piano lessons from his mother. His interest in 20th Century music led him to study composition at the University of Philippines College of Music where he also studied the Japanese koto.
Chow Jun Yi, currently pursuin g his graduate degree at the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, took the Malaysian award with his A Night Without Voices for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion. Chow was a finalist in Malaysia’s inaugural HSBC Young Composers Workshop 2008 and recently won first prize at the Palatino Awards for vocal music in Beijing in May 09.
The complete results are as follows:
Goethe South East Asian Young Composer Award:
1st Prize: Juro Kim Feliz
2nd prize: Chow Jun Yi
3rd prize: Thatchatham Silsupan and Tan Tuan Hao
Malaysian Young Composer Award:
Chow Jun Yi
The competition marked a successful conclusion of three day series of workshops, concerts and conference attended by composers from around South East Asia, New Zealand, China and Germany with an overwhelming audience turnout at all the events. Officiating the festival was YB Elisabeth Wong, EXCO Selangor and ADUN Bukit Lanjan, who in her address stressed the importance of music as an expression and a voice of the people.

An dieser Seite könnten sich viele hiesige Websites ein Vorbild nehmen – „Malaysian Composers Com“ hat das Festival hervorragend dokumentiert und bietet auch weitere Informationen über das Musikleben in Malaysia.

Einige der Komponisten die ich erwähnt habe:

Kee-Yong Chong (Malaysia)
Jonas Baes (Philippinen)
Anothai Nitibhon (Thailand)
Slamet Abdul Sukur (Indonesien)
Dieter Mack (D)

Hier geht’s zum Ensemble Mosaik

Und hier ein paar Bilder:

Die Zukunft der Neuen Musik Asiens

Die Zukunft der Neuen Musik Asiens

Ensemble Mosaik im Probenstress

Ensemble Mosaik im Probenstress

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Es gibt auch deutsche Konzertsäle die aussehen wie ein evangelisches Hilfswerk

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Wer genau hinschaut kann im Hintergrund auf den Flipcharts das Wort "pepsimistic" entdecken. Bisher wusste ich nicht, dass mir dieses Wort fehlt, aber es beschreibt einen bestimmten Zustand recht genau!

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Das von Neil Gaiman inspirierte Stück

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Five more minutes

Five more minutes

Euer Moritz Eggert

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