Verschlagwortet: Warhol

I am reading „The Classical Revolution“ by John Bostlap and think about it (8)

I am reading „The Classical Revolution“ by John Bostlap and think about it (8)

This is my least favorite chapter of Borstlap’s book so far. Several times during reading I wanted to call out “but this is complete bullshit!” because of its po-faced preaching of a very vague “spirituality” of things and its depiction of contemporary times in the most simple of manners (Modernism and its ugly stepson Postmodernism are bad, New Classic is good, and there is not a lot else).

This is my least favorite chapter of Borstlap’s book so far. Several times during reading I wanted to call out “but this is complete bullshit!” because of its po-faced preaching of a very vague “spirituality” of things and its depiction of contemporary times in the most simple of manners (Modernism and its ugly stepson Postmodernism are bad, New Classic is good, and there is not a lot else).

Das kurze Ende des langen Schwanzes

Das kurze Ende des langen Schwanzes

Die internettechnisch unermüdliche und gitarrentechnisch überragende Heike Matthiesen hat mich per retweet auf einen der pessimistischsten Artikel zur Zukunft der Musikbranche aufmerksam gemacht, den ich je gelesen habe, von Stefan Goldmann in der – wo sonst, wenn man sich die tägliche Dosis Depression holen will –
Das passt so richtig zum momentanen Wetter!