Verschlagwortet: Samuel Penderbayne

Neue Musik goes TikTok?

Was passiert an erster Stelle der gefundenen Einträge zu Namen, wenn man mit der TikTok-Funktion, der Video-Suche, nach der Präsenz von Komponist:innen der Neuen Musik Szene Deutschlands recherchiert? So viel schon einmal vorweg: lustiges, aber kaum Volltreffer. Ganz selten sogar Originalmusik, dort, wo man am ehesten jemand doch niemals auf...

trptk – it’s not about genre, it’s about the sound

In a time where the CD as a medium is constantly declared extinct it is quite remarkable that new labels are founded. It has been long known that it is easier for smaller labels (usually run by only a handful of people) to survive in the constantly changing music market than for some of the former major players, who were used to work with big budgets and big outfits and now are slowly becoming more like agencies, mainly living from the promotion and marketing of their stars and taking a share of their concert fees.