Verschlagwortet: The Who


My Generation

Die „Girls wollen das doch so“. Habt ihr sie Mal gefragt? Redet ihr mit ihnen? Auf Facebook werdet ihr kaum „girls“ finden, eher alte Säcke, die sich gemeinsam mit euch darüber aufregen können, dass man „nichts mehr darf“.

Millions of deaf Beethovens. Or: the things we do for hype.

Millions of deaf Beethovens. Or: the things we do for hype.

The Japanese music world was recently shocked by the scandal surrounding the famous composer Mamoru Samuragochi, a composer from the city of Hiroshima who was known for his romantically overblown symphonies and music for popular computer games like Resident Evil. Samuragochi’s main attraction as a media figure was his complete deafness and also part-paralysis (he was never seen without a walking cane) which was understood as being the result of his parents both being „hibakusha“ – radiation victims from the bombing of Hiroshima.